Futaba radio release the new Futaba 8FG in 8 Channel and 2.4GHZ modulation.
* 8 proportional channels
* 2 switched channels
* Integrated FASST 2.4GHz design
* 2048 resolution
* SensorTouch™ programming
* Airplane, heli & glider software
* 20-model internal
* Mode 1-4 selectable
* Direct access to timers, channel mode & model selection
* 2-touch access to system, linkage & model menus
* Compatible with 32MB to 2GB SD Memory Cards*
* Assignable switches/functions
* 10-character user & model naming
* Model select, copy & reset
* Data transfer
* All-channel & battery fail-safes
* Sub-trims, servo reversing, dual rates, expo & EPA with limits
* Digital trims & memory, with step and % options
* 128 x 64 backlit LCD w/auto-off timer, normal/large timer display options, adjustable contrast & brightness
* Servo cycle w/bar graph displays
* Model & system timers
* Trainer system w/channel/function options
* Sticks w/ball-bearing gimbals, length & tension adjustments
Heli Features
* 6 swash plate types
* 5 programmable mixes, plus:
* 4 swash mixes (aileron/elevator, elevator/aileron, pitch/aileron & pitch/elevator)
* 3 throttle mixes (to aileron, elevator & rudder)
* 5-point fuel & pitch/rudder mixing
* 5 conditions w/delay per channel
* 5-point throttle & pitch curves
* Throttle hold
* Hovering throttle & pitch
* High/low pitch rates
* Gyro functions
* Governor functions
Glider Features
* 10 wing types
* 5 programmable mixes, plus:
* Aileron/Rudder mix
* Rudder/Aileron mix
* 5 conditions w/delay per channel
* 4 virtual mixing channels
* Gyro functions w/separate rates for up to 3 gyros
* Motor menu w/speed adjustment
It priced would be $100s less than comparable systems, but loaded with features! Many of the 8FG's features have never been available before at this price – if at all. That makes it the perfect system for upper-level sport fliers as well as entry- to mid-level competition pilots. Plus, Futaba's celebrated FASST technology is integrated into the radio, so you enjoy all of the advantages of 2.4GHz!
* Eight proportional channels and two switched channels
* "Real-time" response with 2048 resolution and extremely low latency
* Perfectly balanced right out of the box for neckstrap users
* Accepts a 32MB to 2GB SD memory card* for software updates and almost unlimited aircraft memories.
Airplane Features
* 7 wing types
* 5 programmable mixes, plus:
* Aileron/Rudder mix
* Rudder/Aileron mix
* Rudder/Elevator mix
* Snap roll
* Fuel mix
* 5-point throttle curve
* Throttle delay
* Gyro Function w/up to 3 gyro rates
* Motor menu w/speed adjustment
Separate swash type and swash detail menus help you fine-tune heli setups to performance perfection.
Trims set up with digital precision and accuracy. You can adjust by setting trim steps a specific value, or as a percentage of the total range – whichever suits your flying style best.
The 8FG comes out of the box perfectly balanced for neckstrap support and fingertip control. A thin, narrow case makes it easier and more comfortable to grasp.
With the 8FG, how much memory you have is a matter of choice. 20-model memory is built-in, but the 8FG can accept SD memory cards from 32MB all the way up to 2GB. That's more than enough for virtually unlimited model setups and downloads of online software updates!
The big backlit LCD offers contrast and brightness adjustments, normal/large timer display options and a user-settable auto-off feature for conserving power.
You can set a single gyro rate on the airplane menu, or as many as three. Changing the rate is as easy as touching a switch.
On the heli menu, you can assign the gyro and governor functions to any switch or control – conveniences that are usually found only on high-end systems.
The glider menu offers four "virtual" channels for mixing setups, as well as the opportunity to set as many as five conditions per channel!
R6008HS 8-Channel FASST Receiver
You'll program like a pro with the 8FG's SensorTouch™ pad! Similar to the "click wheel" interface of an iPod® mobile digital device, the 8FG's SensorTouch™ pad lets pilots navigate through menus with unprecedented speed and ease, using only a light touch.
The 128 x 64 backlit LCD screen offers adjustable contrast for clear viewing in any light conditions.
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