KDS model from Shenzen China company have produce their new product for 450 Size RC helicopter. This company still new in RC market and soon they will release the 500 size.
What model that come from this company.
KDS450SV is a new style helicopter with direct link configuration. It features laconic looking, simple maintaining. The washplate servo is external, which makes the maintance simple and easy. Small gear drives the tail gear directly to reduce the exhaustion of power. At the same time, players can adjust the position of the battery back and forth to change the barycenter of helicopter. With high functions dual rate&head lock gyro, powerful motor, and high multiplying power battery, the helicopter provides you with funny and interesting flying.
KDS450S is one of most popular products for R/C helicopter beginner. The kit adopts engineering plastic spare parts, all electronic accessories are professional equipment. When you want to upgrade the helicopter, there is no need to update these electronic accessories, but upgrade the spare parts to the corresponding parts of KDS450SV helicopter, which are compatible with the parts of most of the same class helicopter. KDS450S is the latest rare R/C helicopter. It features super flying functions, simple maintaining and great-looking appearance.
KDS450C is a full metal R/C helicopter. It features double deck frame constuction, delicate workmanship, strong compatibility and excellent electronic accessories. With these adavantages, there is no need to upgrade the helicopter. KDS450C can meet your flying need whether you are a beginner or professional one.
visit KDS Model to know more about their product.
KDS 450 Model
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Which One is Better For Overall?
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Anyone can post a review of this heli?
I am really thinking of buying this
But I want to understand all the pros and cons of this sweet baby