I'm just surf the hobby shop online that sale for belt cp cnc upgrade and found johnhobby.com and ehirobo.com had it but the fake cnc upgrade.
It price low but quality really bad. I'm not recomended you to buy the fake CNC instead of the low price.I already have bought for my belt cp.
Yeah it really suck and easy broken. Here the photo the fake upgrade cnc for belt cp. The original have platinum or silver color than gold color. So take a lot at the picture. If you have still confused the fake call your dealer for Esky product or contact the Esky manufacturer at www.twf-sz.com
Fake CNC Esky Belt CP
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Thanks for this info. I purchased a Syma Heli kit from this place (Syma Heli Kits) and was pretty happy with them. But I will want to be careful on where I but replacement parts.